Ph Logo Welcome

Welcome to Pharmamentarium, a company devoted to providing marketing research and strategic support in the healthcare space.

Uncovering insights, crafting sound strategies, building brands, and driving growth. I invite you to peruse our capabilities.

And if you are curious about our logo, read on:


The Pharmamentarium logo features a male and female mandrake---one of the most ancient and fabled medicinal plants in the history of pharmacology, well-known to the Egyptians and the Greeks, and famous throughout the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and beyond. The forked roots of the mandrake were thought to resemble the human form, although this fancied resemblance was greatly exaggerated; both male and female forms were portrayed in ancient herbals, and the logo is based on an illuminated text of the herbal of Dioscorides that dates to the 7th century AD. (The male mandrake is in fruit, while the smaller female is in flower.)

Mandragora were sometimes used for magical purposes, as an aphrodisiac and a fertility charm, but the tropane alkaloids in this legendary member of the nightshade family were of real medicinal value: mandrake was employed as a sedative, a surgical anesthetic, and a remedy for convulsions, although so toxic a plant had to be used with caution.

For more on mandrakes and mandrake lore, see The Medieval Garden Enclosed

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