Ph Logo Capabilities

Below is a partial list of the services we provide at Pharmamentarium. Having worked at major healthcare communications companies and with most of the top pharma companies, there isn't a brand planning process or tool I'm not familiar with, so if you don't see your specific need here, give me a call. Chances are I've done it.

Brand Planning
Brand Building Block Development (brand vision, positioning, personality, essence)
Agency Strategic Process Design and Development
Creative Brief Development
Qualitative Research (on line and in person with HCPs, KOLS, patients and caregivers)
Workshop Design and Facilitation
Multi-channel Tactical Planning
Competitive Analyses
New Business Support
Organizational Consulting

Therapeutic Areas

Allergy, Anesthesiology, Anti-convulsants, Anti-Invectives, Bone Health, Breast Aesthetics, CNS, CV, Dermatology, Diabetes, Gastroenterology, Haemophilia, Hematology, Immunology, MD, MS, OAB, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Nephrology, Pain Management, Plastic Surgery, Rheumatology, Surgical Products, Women's Health.

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